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Injectable Services

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Dysport is a neurotoxin used to temporarily paralyze muscle movement and reduce the presence of fine lines & wrinkles.


Dermal Filler

Dermal fillers are used to treat moderate to severe facial wrinkles & folds, providing correction of contour deficiencies. Adding volume under the eyes, in the mid-face, jaw, chin and lips can provide a refreshed and youthful look.



Poly-L-lactic acid helps stimulate your skin's natural collagen production & works gradually over time for a more youthful- looking appearance.


Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF)

PRF is high in growth factors, stem cells, white blood cells & more. When injected it can stimulate the production of collagen, tightening & strengthening the skin and giving it a smoother appearance. When applied after microneedling, PRF helps to enhance the wound healing process & aids in the production of new healthy cells.

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